The art

A life that can fit in a single suitcase.

Personal art

As the title says, I did this all for me, babeeeey!

Noelle as the Otona Blue cover from Atarashii Gakkou!, as part of a collab. 7.12.2023

Todd as a character from Hereditary for a Horror Movies collab. 29.10.2023

Demian! 17.10.2024

Portrait of Theo. 23.09.2023

Noelle and Charlie with the clothes of a random meme, lol. 19.09.2023

Portrait of Tuesday. 14.06.2023

Character intro for Rikuhachima Mido! 28.04.2023

The honeymoon phase of Noelle and Theo. 03.04.2023

Collage of Noelle in her school uniform. 21.03.2023

After the breakup. 01.03.2023
